
We’re going to pull an Elon Musk”, says Cardano’s Hoskinson

  • IOG is considering “going to pull an Elon Musk” and writing a series of DeFi papers for Cardano that the community can implement.
  • The company currently has so many requests that it is investigating a solution to pass requests to the community via Project Catalyst.

In one of his notorious AMA’s, Charles Hoskinson once again leaked one or the other piece of news and announcements for the Cardano ecosystem. Charles said that there are currently “a lot of cool” developments going on in the field of decentralized applications (dApps) and IOG is “going to pull an Elon Musk” like he did with Hyperloop:

[…] and actually we’re going to pull an Elon Musk with how he handled Hyperloop. The other day I sat down reading the peer to peer lending whitepaper that we developed for Marlow and I said, you know, we’re going to implement this, but it would make a lot more sense to write a series of defi papers – just like Elon wrote the Hyperloop paper – and then give it to the community as challenge problems and see who’s going to implement those things.

As the Cardano inventor also noted, there is a core set of things that IOG needs to develop, like “like the stablecoins, the DEXes, and the oracles,” that are currently being worked on internally. “And there’s a lot of great progress there, but there’s a lot more than just those things,” Hoskinson said, alluding to the projects that will be developed by the community.

Another announcement Hoskinson teased was the Alpha Frontier suite being developed by Runtime Verification, which will be covered in the next “Cardano 360” show in late March:

The other thing is, there’s going to be an announcement for something that we are doing for Yella which I think you guys will be incredibly excited about this. And it’s something I thought would take 3 to 5 years, but my new take is 4 to 6 months. And that’s something we’re going to talk about next month.

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Further, Hoskinson expressed general euphoria about global progress and let slip that he has met with a major U.S. telecommunications company to discuss options:

We are making great inroads in Africa, we are making great inroads in Mongolia, we are making great inroads in Georgia, we are making great inroads across the globe. I recently met with a major US telecommunications company, and maybe we will do something with them. Maybe not, but the fact that we got the meeting, and it was taken so seriously tells you where we are at.

Ultimately, he said, IOG currently has so many requests and projects in the pipeline that the company is currently considering a solution to pass requests to the community via Project Catalyst.

We have so many deal in our queue, we can’t service them as a company. And Jerry has this horrible situation where he has to figure out where he says no to. What do I say yes to? Well, we are right now working on an internal program on how do we translate some of the deals that we can’t service into deals that apply for Catalyst funds. And there are some flagship deals that we are pushing that way, and the community can then start working with them.

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