Koios or Coeus is derive from the Greek Titan God of intellect, Koios meaning Query or Questioning.
With the ever growing size of the Cardano blockchain the cost of running and maintaining a query layers can be quite expensive for individual builders. The Guild team has recognise this issue, and has created a solution that will provide useful and low cost data to Builders and Business using the Cardano Blockchain
Currently there is no standard on what certain blockchain information sets should represent, and what should be included, this means each builder is taking there own approach in what essentially is the same data set from the blockchain, this result in time wasted and jumping through similar hoops for working out there queries and can lead to differences in object representation between builders. Example, different explorer showing different values for live stake
Koios will be an open-source decentralise API featuring elastic infrastructure with built-in complex query solutions making building on Cardano Much easier.
The need for easy to use tools in any eco system cannot be understated, as many SPO’s has found using some of the tools built by the Guild team has made setting up a stake pool less tedious and time consuming, tools such as CNTools, gliveView and Topologyupdater to name a few. Now Koios soon to be added to the growing list of developer friendly tools built by this team for the Cardano ecosystem.
The Koios API will be an optimised query layer that qualifies as a flexible launchpad for builders, this will drastically remove the overhead cost of them setting up and running their own infrastructure to perform this valuable task.
Some of the Key features the Koios Query Layer provides are.Elastic Infrastructure, Flexibility, Security, No single point of failure, Standardised queries, open-source, and a carefully thought out architecture with optimal performance in a decentralise way.

The team heading up this project is some of the most credible Cardano OG’S who are ambassadors, teachers ,builders and mentor to new stake pool operators, they form part of the back bone of the Cardano ecosystem.

- Core instances server costs (12 months) – 4000 USD
- Compensation for initial development phase (3 months) + maintenance (12 months) – 24000 USD
- Community incentives (3 months) – 2000 USD
The community incentives will be used to incentivise top community collaborators on the project during the initial development phase.
To help support this amazing project, fund 6 round in Catalyst is now live, please consider voting for the Koios Elastic Query Layer, with a budget of less than 15k ADA this is a team and project well worth backing to deliver a key piece of infrastructure for the Cardano Blockchain.